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VCAP5-DCD Exam Experience
By Pranay Jha | Jun 22, 2016 | In Articles | Update: Jun 22, 2016 | Total Views [ 2638 ]
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My VCAP5-DCD Exam Experience

To be honest, I didn’t want to write a blog post about my VCAP5-DCD exam experience as there are so many good articles and experiences already there by most of the successful VCDX bosses. And also, mine was more of sentiment then a professional outlook I took this up. I was like insane to achieve this. This post is only contains my reactions and experience. If you are looking for exam materials and planning on attempting the exam soon, refer my below posts.



Let's back to my VCAP-DCD Exam Experience; have a quick look here!

Yeah, Finally! I achieved one of my goal of the year 2015. It was more than 7th month, and only one thing was troubling me that what I did in this year? From the beginning of the year, I had already started preparing to achieve this VCAP-DCD. Had already made an attempt with failure in DCD exam, and I was a bit upset. The thing which could cover all these things was a Congratulation message on my screen for this exam, and finally the day came up on 9th July'2015, when after multiple reschedules of exam from April to July, I finally make my mind to test my luck, dedication and willingness.

It was 9th of July, Thursday morning, and I was so much scared off with the negative thoughts coming in my mind. Since early morning, I started getting wishes from my well wishers which was putting more pressure on me that what they will think if I could not met their expectations.

I still remember that , it was 8AM morning, I was losing confidence every second while doing revision of my notes seeing that still left many things to study and no time left. Many questions was in my mind what if questions will put up from topics which I left. What if I won't get pass with inches of marks? How will I face the books again? But parallel few positive things I had that at least I am trying and putting efforts. Behind every success story is an embarrassing first effort. It doesn't mean that we also need to be a failure before achieving success, but things can be ...So we should not fear about result, rather putting concentration on goals. Building always start with bricks.

Ok so leaving these things, now come into positive things and how I felt to get this crown. Let me share my experience and happiness I had.

It was 10AM in the morning, I started getting ready for the exam. Got ready and sat in front of god to worship. If they could help me something on this ;).

I started moving toward center. Heart beats frequency were more than a Master Host. I was still thinking to revise topics which been left. I reached venue 45 minutes hence I stayed there at metro station itself and started reviewing of the design diagrams.

At 12:30 I reached out at center, and did all formalities for exam registration. Entered in exam room, and saw that seat allocated to me was number#9. I thought something is going to happen today, it was 9th day of month, 9th row, seat number is 9. .. lol ..Anyway, it was like positive spectrum. I started my exam, there I faced few issues in between and tackled with that. The first time I took the exam I felt very rushed and did not complete few design question. Now I had about 15 minutes to spare when I passed it.  I used every one of those 15 minutes reviewing designs and object connections. Yes I still remember it was 2.17 min left and I completed my exam. Thought I should review all questions again, but again negative energy that what If I made any changes at last minute and get reverse impact on my result. So finally entered on End Exam Button, Clicked Yes and closed my Eyes. Was scared to see on screen, did prayer god. Here I opened my eyes, heartbeat was again as if I was asthmatic patient, blood was rushing through my waves.

Finally I opened my eyes, and Saw CONGRATULATIONS!! Damn it was really the happiest moment, I could not believe that message was popping up on my screen, Infect I saw around and ensured that I was not on wrong screen. I was about to shout this moment, but controlled because of center policies. ;) I stood up, came outside the room, took a print out of my result and Yes, It was reality.  I finally became DCD and the goals which was setting around that now I am eligible for the VCDX which is rarest achievement and we normally do not get this in legion. I saw my friend outside the door was waiting for my result, had fingered up and passed my moment to him.

I said thanks to everyone, especially VCAP Community. Celebrated this moment with family and friends, well wishers, and to all whom I could felt. I was speechless with the happiness.

And that was all, and yes, it was still in my mind to not be over confident, and keep feet on the ground when head's in the cloud. No matter whatever  we have achieved.


That's about it. Refer to practice guide for this exam. Cheers and Good Luck!


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Pranay Jha
Pranay Jha
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Thank you for visiting my profile. I am Pranay Jha, bring along a total of 11+ years of extensive experience with me in Information Technology sector for organizations from small business to large enterprises, wherein my current assignment I am associated with IBM as a Technical Solution Architect for Virtualization platform. I am vExpert x 3 (16/17/18), VCIX-DCV, VCAP5/6-DCD, VCAP5-DCA, VCP7-CMA, VCP5/6-DCV, VCA-DCV, VCA-Cloud, VSP, VCE-CIA, MCITP, MCSE, MCSA(Messaging). I am also an Independent blogger and founder of and I can be reached via email at or Direct Message via Contact Us form.

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