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Useful E-Books - Every Ph.D Research Scholars Must Read
By Pranay Jha | Sep 10, 2018 | In Articles | Update: Sep 10, 2018 | Total Views [ 3411 ]
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These books are really awesome and valuable! The time and effort Authors put into these must be credited. We should not forget to say thanks and give credit to autors of these books.

Ph.D Research Scholars - No more flipping through pages, jump right to the information through E-books

Dear Scholars, Very Good Morning. It was really nice meeting you all in last four days during our course work. It's really a team of excellence and professionals.

Being newly enrolled for research program, we all have one question in mind that which books should we refer for our Ph.D. Program. If you have an answer, next question arise that "where to get those books".

Today’s digital life and professionals are on the go – it’s not always easy to make the time to study by carrying hard copies handy. Various eBooks related to different topics make it easy to explore about Research and related aspects anywhere you go – no need to carry around a heavy book.

Just woke up this morning after attending last four days of course work and downloaded various E-books from different sources. I made a collection of free E-books and put it in a drive which might be of your interest. These PDF books are easily viewable and downloadable on your iPad, Android Tablet, laptop, desktop, smartphone. Anywhere you want to go with any devices; you can bring a complete set of Research Books with you.

Probably, there are many books which I am missing or didn't find on sources. So, that might not be available here at this moment. However, I am in progress of finding more and will put all here in this article in coming days. You can stay tuned to get the regular updates.

If you also get any reference of other books apart from below list, please shout the book name in comment box. It will be helpful for all of us.

Books every Ph.D. Scholars must have...

There are two ways to get these E-Books:

1) Click on book references below and jump right into the topics. Get it in your device as per your requirement.

2) You can also download complete set of above books by doing Click on below link.

Click Here to Download Complete Set of E-Books

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Pranay Jha
Pranay Jha
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