Make sure that host is prepared for NSX, else you won’t be able to see any kernel module related to NSX. Go to NSX Management interface and Click on Host Preparation tab to prepare the hosts.
Login to any ESXi Host which has been completed as Host Preparation task. Type below commands
[root@sa-esxi-01:~] esxcli software vib list | grep nsx
esx-nsxv 6.5.0-0.0.7563456 VMware VMwareCertified 2019-05-27
[root@sa-esxi-01:~] vmkload_mod -l | grep nsx
nsx-dvfilter-switch-security3 132
nsx-traceflow 3 32
nsx-bfd 1 28
nsx-core 3 12
nsx-vdl2 1 456
nsx-vdrb 0 356
nsx-vsip 13 928
nsx-operations 0 16
nsx-dvfilterUser 0 24
[root@sa-esxi-01:~] cd /etc/init.d
[root@sa-esxi-01:/etc/init.d] ls
DCUI netcpad usbarbitrator
ESXShell nfcd vShield-Protocol-Introspection
SSH nfsgssd vShield-Stateful-Firewall (vsfwd)
cdp nscd vit_loader
clomd nsxv-vib vitd
cmmdsTimeMachine ntpd vmfstraced
cmmdsd osfsd vmsyslogd
dcbd pcscd vmtoolsd
ddecomd pktcap-agentd vobd
epd rabbitmqproxy vpxa
esxui rhttpproxy vsanObserver
hostd sdrsInjector vsandevicemonitord
hostdCgiServer sensord vsanmgmtd
iofilterd-spm sfcbd-watchdog vsantraced
iofilterd-vmwarevmcrypt slpd vsanvpd
iofiltervpd smartd vvold
lacp snmpd wsman
lbtd storageRM xorg
lwsmd swapobjd
memscrubd upitd