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Deep Learning Model Using Docker Container and Jenkins
By Keshav Khatore | Jul 24, 2020 | In Articles | Total Views [ 1577 ]
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The method is quite simple

Create a Image using Dockerfile , and then launch the container using the Image Whenever u launch the container it will run code of training the model 
Now the developer change/modify any thing in his code , the automatically jenkins pull the files from github and run Container .. If accuracy is less then required accuracy then jenkins retrain the model using same container … If accuracy is gud, jenkins send a mail to user

Step 1: Created a Docker image using Dockerfile … Here is the Dockerfile using tensorflow as a base image.

To make a image from Dockerfile .. use Command as “ docker build -t dldocker . “ ←It will create a docker image

Step 2: If developer modify the file , then automatically jenkins triggered itself and download the files into workspace … Do the things for jenkins job1 …
provide github url …
give * * * * * to the Poll SCM ,,, So that it checks everytime the github …
cp the files to workspace

Step 3: Now create a job2 in Jenkins … We need to deploy the code in the docker container using Docker image dldocker:latest ….

In build triggers ,

 And then , In build section , select execute shell

  • cmd “ sudo python3 …….. ” → It will print the accuracy of the model ….
  • cmd “ sudo cp …… ” → It will copy the accuracy.txt from container to
  • jenkins job2 workspace …. Accuracy.txt file is used for email purpose

In post-build Ssection , select Editable Email notification ….. provide ur email details for sending the accuracy to ur mail ..
Step 4: Its time to check the accuracy of our model .. If it is less than 90 , the model again trained by container … For this , we need some code in Build section

Done with coding part … Lets go for the outputs….
Job1 Console o/p

Job3 Console o/p : Retrain the model for the second time… Got 91% … Model perfectly trained

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Keshav Khatore
Keshav Khatore

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I am Keshav Khatore student of Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India, currently pursuing Masters In Computer Application.I am a Member of Redhat Linux, the biggest network on the planet and it's a glad thing for me to be a piece of such extraordinary and lofty community. I expert in Linux and have certification Red-hat Certified System Administration . For Contact- || LinkedIn-

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