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Default Passwords
By Pranay Jha | Nov 16, 2016 | In Tips | Total Views [ 8398 ]
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I give courtesy for getting this information to

Collection of Passwords that may be usefull and time saving.

EMC Secure Remote Support (ESRS) Axeda Policy Manager Server:

    Username: admin
    Password: EMCPMAdm7n

EMC VNXe Unisphere (EMC VNXe Series Quick Start Guide, step 4):

    Username: admin
    Password: Password123#

EMC vVNX Unisphere:

    Username: admin
    Password: Password123#
    NB You must change the administrator password during this first login.

EMC CloudArray Appliance:

    Username: admin
    Password: password
    NB Upon first login you are prompted to change the password.

EMC CloudBoost Virtual Appliance:

    Username: localadmin
    Password: password
    NB You must immediately change the admin password.
    $ password <current_password> <new_password>

EMC Ionix Unified Infrastructure Manager/Provisioning (UIM/P):

    Username: sysadmin
    Password: sysadmin

EMC VNX Monitoring and Reporting:

    Username: admin
    Password: changeme

EMC RecoverPoint:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin
    Username: boxmgmt
    Password: boxmgmt
    Username: security-admin
    Password: security-admin

EMC XtremIO:

XtremIO Management Server (XMS)

    Username: xmsadmin
    password: 123456 (prior to v2.4)
    password: Xtrem10 (v2.4+)

XtremIO Management Secure Upload

    Username: xmsupload
    Password: xmsupload

XtremIO Management Command Line Interface (XMCLI)

    Username: tech
    password: 123456 (prior to v2.4)
    password: X10Tech! (v2.4+)

XtremIO Management Command Line Interface (XMCLI)

    Username: admin
    password: 123456 (prior to v2.4)
    password: Xtrem10 (v2.4+)

XtremIO Graphical User Interface (XtremIO GUI)

    Username: tech
    password: 123456 (prior to v2.4)
    password: X10Tech! (v2.4+)

XtremIO Graphical User Interface (XtremIO GUI)

    Username: admin
    password: 123456 (prior to v2.4)
    password: Xtrem10 (v2.4+)

XtremIO Easy Installation Wizard (on storage controllers / nodes)

    Username: xinstall
    Password: xiofast1

XtremIO Easy Installation Wizard (on XMS)

    Username: xinstall
    Password: xiofast1

Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) for storage controllers / nodes

    Password: emcbios

Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) for XMS

    Password: emcbios

EMC ViPR Controller :
http://ViPR_virtual_ip (the ViPR public virtual IP address, also known as the

    Username: root
    Password: ChangeMe

EMC ViPR Controller Reporting vApp:

    Username: admin
    Password: changeme

EMC Solutions Integration Service:
https://<Solutions Integration Service IP Address>:5480

    Username: root
    Password: emc

EMC VSI for VMware vSphere Web Client:
https://<Solutions Integration Service IP Address>:8443/vsi_usm/

    Username: admin
    Password: ChangeMe

After the Solutions Integration Service password is changed, it cannot be modified.
If the password is lost, you must redeploy the Solutions Integration Service and use the default login ID and password to log in.

Cisco Integrated Management Controller (IMC) / CIMC / BMC:

    Username: admin
    Password: password

Cisco UCS Director:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin
    Username: shelladmin
    Username: changeme

Hewlett Packard P2000 StorageWorks MSA Array Systems:

    Username: admin
    Password: !admin (exclamation mark ! before admin)
    Username: manage
    Password: !manage (exclamation mark ! before manage)

IBM Security Access Manager Virtual Appliance:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin

VCE Vision:

    Username: admin
    Password: 7j@m4Qd+1L
    Username: root
    Password: V1rtu@1c3!

VMware vSphere Management Assistant (vMA):

    Username: vi-admin
    Password: vmware

VMware Data Recovery (VDR):

    Username: root
    Password: vmw@re (make sure you enter @ as Shift-2 as in US keyboard layout)

VMware vCenter Hyperic Server:

    Username: root
    Password: hqadmin


    Username: hqadmin
    Password: hqadmin

VMware vCenter Chargeback:

    Username: root
    Password: vmware

VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) 5.5:

    Username: root
    Password: vmware

VMware vCenter Operations Manager (vCOPS):

Console access:

    Username: root
    Password: vmware


    Username: admin
    Password: admin

Administrator Panel:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin

Custom UI User Interface:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin

VMware vCenter Support Assistant:

    Username: root
    Password: vmware

VMware vCenter / vRealize Infrastructure Navigator:

    Username: root
    Password: specified during OVA deployment

VMware ThinApp Factory:

    Username: admin
    Password: blank (no password)

VMware vSphere vCloud Director Appliance:

    Username: root
    Password: vmware

VMware vCenter Orchestrator :
https://Server_Name_or_IP:8281/vco – VMware vCenter Orchestrator
https://Server_Name_or_IP:8283 – VMware vCenter Orchestrator Configuration

    Username: vmware
    Password: vmware

VMware vCloud Connector Server (VCC) / Node (VCN):

    Username: admin
    Password: vmware
    Username: root
    Password: vmware

VMware vSphere Data Protection Appliance:

    Username: root
    Password: changeme

VMware HealthAnalyzer:

    Username: root
    Password: vmware

VMware vShield Manager:

    Username: admin
    Password: default

    type enable to enter Privileged Mode, password is 'default' as well

Teradici PCoIP Management Console:

    The default password is blank

Trend Micro Deep Security Virtual Appliance (DS VA):

    Login: dsva
    password: dsva

Citrix Merchandising Server Administrator Console:

    User name: root
    password: C1trix321

TP-Link ADSL modem / router, Wi-Fi :

    User name: admin
    password: admin

VMTurbo Operations Manager:

    User name: administrator
    password: administrator
    If DHCP is not enabled, configure a static address by logging in with these credentials:
    User name: ipsetup
    password: ipsetup
    Console access:
    User name: root
    password: vmturbo

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Pranay Jha
Pranay Jha
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Thank you for visiting my profile. I am Pranay Jha, bring along a total of 11+ years of extensive experience with me in Information Technology sector for organizations from small business to large enterprises, wherein my current assignment I am associated with IBM as a Technical Solution Architect for Virtualization platform. I am vExpert x 3 (16/17/18), VCIX-DCV, VCAP5/6-DCD, VCAP5-DCA, VCP7-CMA, VCP5/6-DCV, VCA-DCV, VCA-Cloud, VSP, VCE-CIA, MCITP, MCSE, MCSA(Messaging). I am also an Independent blogger and founder of and I can be reached via email at or Direct Message via Contact Us form.

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